Safety & Prepardness
Safety and Preparedness
At ABK Restoration Services, we prioritize your safety and preparedness in the face of emergencies. Whether you're dealing with a flood or a fire, knowing how to respond can make all the difference in minimizing damage and protecting your property.

Safe Response to a Flood
Find the water source and stop it
Call ABK Restoration Services to request emergency water mitigation – in most cases we are on scene in less than 90 minutes
If you think you may require an insurance claim to cover expenses, contact your insurance company, file a claim and inform them you are having ABK respond to mitigate damages
If a plumber is required, ABK Restoration Services can provide one in rapid response time as part of our response protocol
Minimizing Your Water Damage
- Remove as much water as possible by mopping and blotting.
- Do not use a regular vacuum cleaner to extract water.
- Place plastic bags, aluminum foil, or foam blocks under furniture legs to prevent dyes and wood stains from soaking into wet carpets.
- Lift books & magazines from wet carpets – Ink colors may run.
- Wipe water from wood furniture as soon as possible.
- Open boxes, musical cases, camera cases, and suitcases to promote drying.
- Turn off all electronic items and move to a dry location.
- Turn off lights and ceiling fans, if ceiling is wet.
- Poke small holes in wet sagging ceilings to relieve water pressure.
- Place buckets or towels underneath to catch drippings.
- Turn heat off or down low to control humidity and mildew process.
- Open windows to enhance drying. Air movement is key.

Safe Response to a Fire
If the fire is contained, locate a fire extinguisher and use the P.A.S.S. method to put it out
If the fire is NOT contained, immediately evacuate the premise and call 911
Call ABK Restoration Services at your earliest convenience to request our 24-hour board up service which protects your exposed home against vandals and looters
Caution! Some fires can remain smoldering for a long time in hidden places such as within the walls. Do not attempt to conduct a self inspection. Have a professional inspect all possible threats before considering the area safe. Don’t worry, we can help with this step too.
Fire Clean Up
- Remove pets (especially birds) and plants to a clean environment, including changing water in fish tanks
- Provide alternate power sources to freezers and refrigerators. If this is not possible, or if electricity is off, empty freezers and refrigerators and prop doors open with a rolled up newspaper or towel to ventilate. It is preferable to turn off all electronic items and do not use again until they have been cleaned.
- Introduce fresh air to the contaminated environment by opening windows.
- Refrain from sitting on or placing anything on furniture, and limit foot traffic on carpeting until professionally cleaned.
- Do not attempt to clean walls, ceilings, unfinished wood, or other absorbent surfaces.
- Do not launder or dryclean garments that smell smoky, as it may cause smoke to stain or odour to set in.
- Wash plants with water on both sides of the leaves. Also, remove the top 1/2 to 1″ of soil.
- Vacuum or blow off loose smoke particles from upholstery, draperies, lampshades, carpets, etc.
- Do not try to wipe off as the particles may smear.
- Pour anti-freeze in toilet bowls, sinks and tubs to prevent freezing if the heat is off in the winter.
- Clean faucets, tub fittings, chrome bars, and trims on kitchen appliances.
- If the heating system is off in the winter, drain the heating system if applicable.
- If possible, do not operate furnace until ducting is cleaned, change filter immediately if it is necessary to have it on.
- Clean and protect bathroom faucets, tub fittings, chrome towel bars, and trims on kitchen appliances.
Do Not
- Use computers, appliances, TVs, VCRs or stereos until they have been cleaned and tested.
- Use food items that have been exposed to soot, or canned goods that have been subjected to excessive heat.
- Use upholstered sofas and chairs etc.
- Attempt to wash walls, ceilings, unsealed wood, bricks or other absorbent surfaces.
- Launder clothes or dry clean garments that have a strong smoke odour.
- Improper cleaning may set smoke or odours.