Our Communities
Local to You
At ABK, our promise is simple yet profound: we're dedicated to going above and beyond for our local communities. Our mission is to help residents swiftly return to normalcy, ensuring their well-being and peace of mind.

Nature's Bounty and Family Values
Penticton is blessed with an abundance of fresh fruit, picturesque beaches, and a rich history of supporting family businesses. ABK is proud to be a part of this community, upholding its values and contributing to its prosperity.

Hard Work and High Expectations
Kamloops is a city that values hard work and expects nothing less from its local businesses. ABK embraces this work ethic, striving to meet and exceed the high standards set by the people of Kamloops.

Craftsmanship and Community Pride
Summerland is a community with a strong heritage of quality craftsmanship. ABK shares this commitment to excellence, and we take pride in serving the people of Summerland with the same dedication they have for their craft.

The Heart of BC's Interior
Kelowna serves as the vibrant heart of the BC interior, continually growing and welcoming new neighborhoods and communities. ABK is excited to be part of this growth, offering our restoration services to support Kelowna's thriving development.

Hotspot with a Snowbird Vibe
Osoyoos is the Okanagan's hot spot, known for its warm climate and vibrant snowbird community. ABK is here to ensure that this beloved destination remains a haven for all who visit and live here.

Oliver and Similkameen
Nature and Flavor Unite
Discover the natural beauty of Similkameen while savoring the exquisite flavors of the Okanagan Valley in Oliver. ABK Restoration is honored to be part of these communities, preserving their natural beauty and culinary delights.